Giving to Trinity Presbyterian Church online is easy. In a few steps, you can make a one-time contribution or set up recurring giving.
Give Online
Cash, Check &
Money Order
Please make checks payable to Trinity Presbyterian Church. Checks, cash, and money orders may be placed in the offering plates during the Sunday worship services or sent by mail to the church:
3003 Howell Mill Road NW
Atlanta, GA 30327
Do you have questions about the donation of non-cash items (equipment), stocks, mutual funds, etc…? Or, do you have questions about contributions or annual contribution statements?
We are here to help! Contact the church office at 404-237-6491.
& Contributions
Why We Give
We believe that generosity is the only antidote to fear and scarcity. As stewards seeking to love God and our neighbors, we give generously of ourselves, our time, and our resources in response to God’s generosity toward us. We know we are called to be responsible stewards of all God’s gifts, including our financial and natural resources, our facilities, and the God-given talents of our staff and members.
Read more about how Trinity Presbyterian Church stewards the gifts of our members in our annual reports.