Join us in-person on Sundays for Informal Worship at 9 AM and Worship at 11 AM.
February 9
Join us for Worship at 9 AM and 11 AM with Emily Avant preaching “Who Are We” from Isaiah 6:1-8 and Luke 5:1-11.
9 AM Worship Livestream
11 AM Worship Livestream
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Life at Trinity
Trinity is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA). As a community of faith committed to making God's love visible, we welcome people from all walks and backgrounds. No matter where you are on your faith journey, there's a place for you at Trinity.
Plan Your Visit
We are called to serve God with joy and bear witness to God’s transforming love made known in Jesus Christ. We are a welcoming, open, and affirming worship community.
Click here for a brief overview of who we are and what it’s like to worship with us.
We are located in northwest Atlanta at the corner of Moores Mill and Howell Mill roads. Click here for campus maps and more detailed information.
Trinity is an intergenerational faith community and children are welcome in all worship services here. We have learning and formation opportunities for all ages on Sunday mornings and offer books, art, and devotional materials just right for children and their families. Childcare is available for children 4 years and younger during worship services, Sunday School, and select church events.
While it isn’t always easy to visit a new place, we would love to welcome you to Trinity! Trinity is an inclusive, spirit-filled community of faith, rooted in hospitality. For more details about our Sunday mornings, click here.
Meet our Clergy
Trinity Presbyterian Church’s pastors are wholly committed to serving our congregation and community.
View all leadership and ministry staff