What does it mean to love God with our whole hearts, souls, and minds and to love our neighbors without holding anything back? Committing to love with all we’ve got? I invite you to consider the fullness of the gifts God has entrusted to you and to pledge your time, talent, and treasure to God’s service.
We have come through a lot as a church in the last few years and some of your habits and interests have changed. You may be waiting for an invitation to re-engage with your whole self at Trinity. Let this be that invitation. Come back! Reconnect with our worship and many ways to learn, serve, care, and advocate for others. Be part of our intergenerational fellowship as Trinity lives out the call to a whole life of faith.

Rev. Rebekah LeMon,
Senior Pastor
Read the full letter here.
2024 Budget + 2025 Needs
Over 95% of Trinity’s annual budget comes from member gifts, and our Session relies on pledges to build a budget based on those gifts.
Ministry areas and staff are preparing budget requests for 2025 this fall.
Your pledge is necessary in order for us to plan and execute our ministries faithfully.
Campaign Goal: $4,000,000
Music & Worship (23%)
2025 Goal: Regular Evening Chapel WorshipNurture & Connection (24%)
2025 Goal: Additional Pastor for Care & Director of EducationCampus Stewardship & Security (23%)
2025 Goal: Accurate Budgeting For Ongoing Maintainance NeedsMission & Outreach (25%)
2025 Goal: Expanded Engagement With Mission Partners & Recipients of Impact Grants
“The cycle of giving encapsulates my whole faith: time, talents, and treasure.”
Martha Craft,
2025 Commitment Co-Chair
In my elder training, we talked about grace flowing from God through us to others. I view giving to Trinity in a similar way–God flows generous gifts to me, and I joyfully let them pass through me to others.
This cycle of giving encapsulates my whole faith: time, talents, and treasure. First, God gave me time on earth–my life–and I give my time back to God as an expression of gratitude. Second, God gave me certain talents, and I try to use them to make God’s earth better and happier. One way is through music, which is how I worship most deeply. In the words of the hymn, “How can I keep from singing?” And third, God gave me earthly treasures, which I try to return joyfully so God can spread them far and wide. From the upkeep of our worship and beautiful campus to providing toiletries and Bibles to our friends in Cuba, I am grateful that I can give monetarily, so Trinity can continue to support and minister to our church family and our community.
I am grateful that I have time, talents, and treasures to give. I hope you’ll review your overall commitment to Trinity and give your time, talents, and treasure with joy and thanks.
“Commitment…is an invitation to support the good our church nurtures in and around our congregation.”
Tom Owen,
2025 Commitment Co-Chair
During a recent Sunday service, I reached into my pocket and handed each of my children a few dollars to put into the collection plate. It wasn’t much, but I have always thought it important for our children to see that we contribute to the church. As I handed my older son a couple of dollars, he looked at me and asked, “Do we pay to get into church?” I was a little startled by the transactional honesty of the inquiry. I quietly whispered, “of course not.”
But the exchange made me consider the reasons our family offers our time, talents (however modest) and financial resources to Trinity. This year’s Commitment Campaign is an invitation to support the good our church nurtures in and around our congregation. Our offerings support worship, music, pastoral care, the spiritual and physical structure of our church, our families, our children, our older adults, and the community beyond our congregation. This commitment season, I hope you will consider the ways your time, talents and treasure are necessary to our church’s many ministries.