- Events
- Adult Ministries
- No events scheduled for May 19, 2025.
- No events scheduled for May 22, 2025.
- No events scheduled for May 24, 2025.
Week of Events
Connections is a discussion-based class that explores a reading, podcast, or video that has been shared before the class meeting. The gathering is mostly member-led, with occasional conversations facilitated by pastoral staff. Reading or listening ahead is helpful, but not required.
Williams Hall Presentation
Williams Hall Presentation
Each week, there is a presentation-based class offered in Williams Hall, often with an outside speaker who is an expert on the topic at hand. These offerings will also include time for discussion and questions during or after the presentation. Advance preparation is not required. This weekly class is livestreamed.
Foundations is a member-led, discussion-based class that focuses on discovering new meaning in familiar scripture each week. Advance preparation is not required.
Novel Ideas
Awakening (Virtual)
Awakening (Virtual)
Trinity Pres Zoom1 is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Awakening Time: Jan 10, 2025 08:45 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Every week on Fri, until Dec 19, 2025, 50 occurrence(s) Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system. Weekly: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/tZUscuGtrzsqH9yE12qF26HLXUJNWWFhoR-w/ics?icsToken=DJtnoI6R1pHH7QYHTQAALAAAAFdvVJnP-b26hrilnXrag7JsmsTeO5VZCQLJ-AMrvAv0RJW9_AB50Ludx4_1wbhsdiSvU57jhrOacpMXtjAwMDAwMQ&meetingMasterEventId=-zE7MAZMSDKgXETHrHo7ig Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81158510058?pwd=68GsAxbPuEsNfZcalAIIbPbMt3ab2I.1 Meeting ID: […]