Why Infrastructure, Why Now?
As a community of faith, we are always searching for opportunities to deepen our engagement with one another. With more and more people returning to in-person worship, and a whole new audience of streaming viewers, we’re investing in the structures that make God’s love visible (and audible!), as well as the spaces where we gather in worship.
The plan is to tackle some of the longstanding deferred maintenance needs at the church, and to invest in infrastructure like streaming technology, AV and lighting, and improved security. New screens, speakers, and hearing aid solutions will ensure that God’s message is accessible and resounds in all corners of our church.
This work would not be possible without the support of our church members. Particularly in times of uncertainty, we believe that generosity is the only antidote to fear and scarcity. Your giving supports our programs and ministries, and is the foundation upon which our community is built. The church is a vessel, and by investing in it, we all become more effective stewards of God’s love. Together, we’re moving forward into Trinity’s future.
Key Dates
Williams Hall Renovations from May 3rd to July 17th
- July-August: 10am single service in Williams Hall
- September-October: 9am service in the Loft | 11am service in Williams Hall
Sanctuary Renovations from July 19th to October 31st
- November 6th: 11am service returns to the Sanctuary
- November 10th: Kittrell Lecture with Bryan Stevenson event
Committee Members
David Caldwell, Chair
Margaret Reiser, Co-Chair
Caroline Brown
David Merritt
Karen Simmons
Molly Faircloth
Mark Stancil
Esther Stokes
Hank Hall
Scope of Projects
- Fresh Paint and Plaster Repair
- New Hearing Loops
- New Carpet
- New Chancel Tile
- Refresh and Repair Pews
- Safety Improvements
- Organ Tuning
2nd Floor Offices & Hallway
- New carpet – consistent with Loft
- Fresh Paint
Williams Hall & 1st floor Hallways
- Fresh paint
- New carpet
Gathering Space, New Library, and A116
- Fresh paint
- New carpet
HVAC Replacements
- Consultant Hired
- Replace Units
- Energy Management Plan
- Annual Operating Savings
Perimeter Signage
- Howell Mill & Moores Mill Entrances
- Welcome Center & Parking Lots
Internal Campus Signage
- Directional Signage
- Room Identification
Williams Hall
- Overflow Worship Space
- Major Presentation Space
- Two Hybrid Classrooms
- Up-graded Microphones, Speakers & Cameras
- New Screens & Monitors
- Inductive Loop & BYOD hearing aid solution
- Ability to broadcast services in Williams Hall
- Enhanced Sound & Lighting
- Higher Quality Video & Broadcasting
- New Hearing Aid Solutions
- Retractable Screens & Projectors
- Speakers in Narthex & Parlor
Project Scope
- Enhanced Cameras and Security Equipment
- Improved Exterior Door-Position Monitoring
- Remote Security Monitoring Capability
- Training for Staff
Project Status
- Selected LenelS2 Video & Access Control system
- Invictus hired as Project Management consultant
- Convergint hired as Integrator (General Contractor)
Project Scope
- Rebuild Trinity’s website using a more user-friendly
platform (WordPress) - Design a website that is dynamic, easy to navigate, and welcoming
- Migrate and/or create new content for site.
- Integrate with ACS software successor (Realm or
Project Status
- Web designer engaged
- Site structure complete
- Site design and content development underway
If you have questions, please contact Lucy Strong by email at lstrong@trinityatlanta.org to schedule a time to talk.