Letter From Rev. Rebekah LeMon
This week, we begin our annual journey through the season of Lent, tuning toward God with humility and repentance. The days and events that lead to the cross challenge us to a deeper relationship with our Lord, both as individuals and a community. This year, our Lent theme is Becoming Beloved. We will think together about what it means to be God’s beloved — people who are blessed, broken, claimed by God, and called to discipleship. Our sermon series will track with these themes and we will study together Henri Nouwen’s Life of the Beloved: Spiritual Living in a Secular World, New York: Crossroad, 1992; reprint 2000.
May God be with us as we walk together.

Rev. Rebekah LeMon
Senior Pastor
Lenten Worship
March 5 — April 20
Childcare is available at all Holy Week & Easter services.
March 5
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM — Drive-Through Ashes at Magnolia Circle
7:00 PM – Worship at Dobbs Chapel
April 13 at 9:00 AM — Worship at The Loft
11:00 AM – Worship at The Sanctuary
April 17 at 6:00 PM — Williams Hall
An interactive community meal and time of worship in Williams Hall, remembering the meal Christ shared with his disciples before his arrest. All ages are welcome.
April 18 at 7:30 PM — Sanctuary
A service of somber reflection remembering the death of Jesus Christ on the cross.
April 20 at 7:00 AM — Worship at Sanctuary Porch
A casual outdoor service with Easter hymns.
April 20 at 9:00 & 11:00 AM — The Sanctuary
Sanctuary services of worship giving thanks for the resurrection of our Lord. All are invited to bring flowers to be added to Christ’s cross on Easter morning.

Lenten Sermon Series
Sundays, March 9 — April 20
Sunday, March 9
This sermon will be led by Rebekah C. LeMon and will cover:
- Psalm 139;
- Matthew 3:13-17
Sunday, March 16
This sermon will be led by Rebekah C. LeMon and will cover:
- Handel’s Messiah
Sunday, March 23
This sermon will be led by Rebekah C. LeMon and will cover:
- Exodus 6:1-8;
- Jeremiah 31:1-3;
- Matthew 4:18-22
Sunday, March 30
This sermon will be led by Rebekah C. LeMon and will cover:
- Numbers 6:24-26;
- Matthew 6:24-35
Sunday, April 6
This sermon will be led by Rebekah C. LeMon and will cover:
- Psalm 51;
- Isaiah 64:8;
- Matthew 18:10-14
- Communion
Sunday, April 13
This sermon will be led by Rebekah C. LeMon and will cover:
- Matthew 10:1-14;
- 1 Corinthians 12:4-26:
- Luke 19:28-40
- Baptisms
Sunday, April 20
This sermon will be led by Rebekah C. LeMon and will cover:
- Isaiah 11:1-9;
- Matthew 22:37-39;
- Luke 24:1-12
Special Events & Gatherings
Shrove Tuesday, Pancake Supper
March 4
5:30 — 7:00 PM | Williams Hall/Magnolia Circle
All are invited to join us for Mardi Gras Crafts, a traditional Shrove Tuesday Pancake dinner, and Trinity’s 41st Annual Pancake Race! Whether you come in your racing shoes or just to enjoy the pancakes, all are welcome!
40 Things in 40 Days
March 5 – April 16
Join the Trinity community to stock the food pantry at Meals on Wheels Atlanta. During the 40 days of Lent, we will gather an item each day and pray for those experiencing food insecurity in our community. Find the list of items and how to participate in this spiritual practice here.
Book Study
Thursday Noons, March 6 – April 10
Life of the Beloved: Spiritual Living in a Secular World by Henri J.M. Nouwen
As part of our Becoming Beloved series this Lenten season, drop in for a weekly ZOOM book study of Henri Nouwen’s Life of the Beloved: Spiritual Living in a Secular World, New York: Crossroad, 1992; reprint 2000.
Thursdays, March 6-April 10, NOON. No registration necessary. Weekly overview and study questions here.
March 5 – April 20
Room D130
Stop by Room D130 during Lent to practice contemplation and patience while walking the Trinity labyrinth.
Legacy Museum & National Memorial Trip
March 8
Montgomery, AL
Join Rev. Lucy Strong to visit and learn at the Legacy Museum and National Memorial for Peace and Justice in Montgomery, AL. The Legacy Museum gives a comprehensive history of the institution and legacy of slavery in the U.S. The National Memorial for Peace and Justice is the nation’s first, dedicated to the memory of enslaved black people who have been terrorized by lynching, humiliated by racial segregation, and burdened with presumptions of guilt and police violence.
Atlanta Community Food Bank Volunteer Opportunity
March 15
8:30am — 11:30am | Atlanta Community Food Bank
Come volunteer with us at Atlanta Food Bank’s Hunger Action Center, where we will sort items, pack food boxes, and more. This is a wonderful intergenerational volunteer opportunity for anyone 8 years or older.
Flashlight Egg Hunt & Lock-In
April 11
6:30 — 8:30 PM | The Loft
Big Kids (2nd grade – 5th grade) come hunt for eggs in the dark! Bring a basket and flashlight! Drop-off in the gym at 6:30pm. Parents can drop off their children then walk over to the manse for Happy Hour fellowship.
4th and 5th Graders are invited to spend the night after the Flashlight Egg Hunt! 2nd and 3rd Graders will be picked up following the Flashlight Egg Hunt while 4th and 5th Graders will stay for more! Saturday morning, parents and families are invited to enjoy breakfast at the Family Breakfast Egg Hunt together.
Family Breakfast and Egg Hunt
April 12
9:00 — 10:30 AM | Williams Hall
Children ages birth through 1st grade and families (grandparents and friends too!) are invited to join us for breakfast in Williams Hall at 9:00 am followed by a short Easter lesson with fun music and finishing with the egg hunt on the front lawn of the church. Bring your basket! Siblings older than the 1st grade are welcome to join us for breakfast, but the Egg Hunt portion of the morning will be left to littles!