Epic Science Camp
June 20 @ 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Get ready to dive into the Epic world of science! During this STEM Velocity Camp, we will jump through portals to arrive at the most interesting realms of science! Once we arrive, we will conduct exciting experiments and… Unleash the forces of nature, build programmable LEGO models, experience mind-bending chemistry, engineer chain reactions, and much more! Are you ready to put your scientific skills to the test?
This camp has a particular focus on science and teamwork. STEM Velocity utilizes quality resources during multiple hands-on activities helping children acquire essential 21st century skills. Campers will receive invaluable support and guidance from our team of instructors and lab assistants. Visit STEMVelocity.com for more details.
Note: Some topics may not be covered during 4-Day Camps.
For rising grades 1 – 5.