Connections is a discussion-based class that explores a reading, podcast, or video that has been shared before the class meeting. The gathering is mostly member-led, with occasional conversations facilitated by pastoral staff. Reading or listening ahead is helpful, but not required.
Circle 7
Prime Timer’s Halloween Luncheon
He’s back! Prime Timers has asked Walt Haber from Historic Oakland Cemetery to return to Trinity at noon on October 30 for a lunch/slide lecture: “Reading the Stones – Symbolism at Oakland Cemetery.” Once again, there will be a Halloween mask contest! NEWKS will provide delicious box lunches.
The cost for the lunch and lecture is $18. Reservations must be made by Thursday, October 24th and no walk-ins will be accepted at the door on October 30th.
The Beginning: Becoming Christian
Central Breakfasts
Trinity members and friends are invited to participate in Central Presbyterian Church’s Sunday Breakfast Ministry, in which a small group of volunteers prepares and serves a light breakfast for men and women experiencing homelessness. Everyone that has already volunteered has had a great experience. Many have returned for another Sunday!
Grady Hospital Food Boxes
Trinity volunteers will provide fresh food to Grady Hospital patients in Brookhaven on the second Wednesday of the month. If you would like to volunteer in any time before the new year to sort fresh vegetables, pack food boxes and distribute, Register Here.
For any questions, contact Shannon Sale