Christmas Eve Services
Children & Families
4:00 PM | Sanctuary
Youth & Families
6:00 PM | Sanctuary
Lessons & Carols
9:00 PM | Sanctuary
11:00 PM | Dobbs Chapel (In-Person Only)
Featured Advent Events
Women’s Advent Service
Tuesday, December 3
6:30 PM | Dobbs Chapel
Please join us for a special evening of fellowship and reflection for women and girls of all ages. Reception to follow in the Chapel Parlor.
Christmas Market
Sunday, December 8
9 AM–1 PM | Williams Hall
Shop for arts, crafts, baked goods, and more at Trinity’s annual Christmas Market. Proceeds will benefit our global mission partners in Cuba and Haiti, as well as refugee resettlement here in Atlanta.
Caroling in the Community
Sunday, December 8
5–6 PM | Trinity Neighborhood
Let us kick off the Christmas season by spreading joy and love through singing loud for all to hear!
Drive-Thru Christmas Pageant
Sunday, December 15
5–6 PM | Trinity Parking Lot
Enjoy a drive-through nativity experience with music, narration, and choreography brought to you by our very own Children’s Ministry.
Longest Night Service
Thursday, December 19
6:30 PM | Dobbs Chapel
The Advent season brings some of our deepest hopes to light, but it also reminds us of the losses and grief we carry. On the longest night of the year, we will gather together to rest in the darkness, looking toward the light of the coming Christ. Join us for a service of prayer, readings, and music.
Congregational Carol Sing
Sunday, December 22
7:00 PM | Williams Hall
Get into the spirit with an evening of holiday singing and merriment led by Norman Mackenzie, Director of Music and Fine Arts.
The Family of God
Dear Friends,
We have come again to Advent, the holy season of waiting and preparation for the birth of our Savior. In a few short weeks, we will hear the story of the birth of Christ and (hopefully) feel anew the wonder and mystery of the moment when God chose to live and dwell with plain old people.
But what about the people who were part of that story before the journey to Bethlehem, before the full inn and humble stable, before the bright star, friendly beasts, awed shepherds and courageous wise men? Jesus was God and eternal.
But Jesus was also human, born like all the rest of us into a family–a family that had doubts and questions, tenacity and hope. Jesus was born to human parents whose faith was surely changed as their family was. Jesus was born to bring them love and grace, too.
This Advent, we will dig into the stories of Elizabeth and Zechariah, their son (and Jesus’s cousin) John, and the human parents of our Lord, Mary and Joseph. We will look for our own faith journeys in theirs, considering how God uses plain old people to usher in justice, peace, and love. And as plain old people ourselves, we will prepare to be part of that justice, peace, and love, praying every day “come, Lord Jesus, come.” By God’s binding grace, may we know again that we are part of the family of God. I am grateful to be on this Advent journey with you.

Rev. Rebekah LeMon,
Senior Pastor
Christmas Market
Join us for our annual Christmas Market in Williams Hall on December 8th to get a head start on your holiday shopping! Our annual market benefits our global mission partners in Cuba, Haiti, and refugee resettlement here in metro Atlanta. Volunteering at the Christmas Market is also a fun way to meet other people while also making a valuable impact in others’ lives. This is one of our most well-loved traditions here at Trinity and we hope to see you there!