Montgomery Day Trip
Join Rev. Lucy Strong to visit and learn at the Legacy Museum and National Memorial for Peace and Justice in Montgomery, AL. The Legacy Museum gives a comprehensive history of the institution and legacy of slavery in the U.S. The National Memorial for Peace and Justice is the nation’s first, dedicated to the memory of enslaved black people who have been terrorized by lynching, humiliated by racial segregation, and burdened with presumptions of guilt and police violence.
Atlanta Food Bank Volunteer
Come volunteer with us at Atlanta Food Bank’s Hunger Action Center, where we will sort items, pack food boxes, and more. This is a wonderful intergenerational volunteer opportunity for anyone 8 years or older.
At The River Movie Screening
Join us to learn more about our denomination’s struggle with racism and engagement in the Civil Rights Movement as we consider how we are called to be part of the beloved community. On January 23, we will have a casual supper and screening of the documentary film At the River (learn more and watch the trailer here)! There is no cost to participate.
MLK March
Join us as we walk alongside our neighbors in Atlanta as part of the Martin Luther King Jr. March. This is an opportunity to remember and celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. King. We will meet at the corner of Peachtree and Andrew Young. After the march, we may join the Martin Luther King Jr. Rally at Auburn Avenue.
Drive-Thru Christmas Pageant
It’s the Best Christmas Pageant Drive-Thru Ever! Join us as our Children’s Ministry live narrates the birth of Jesus! Follow the Roman Soldiers to Bethlehem as our children lead us in the telling of the Nativity. Friends, families, grandparents, neighbors, and the whole community are invited to DRIVE-THRU!
Click here to register kids Pre-K (4 years) to 5th Grade to participate in the Pageant, as well as adult and youth volunteers.
Rosemary Kittrell Lecture: Valarie Kaur
Valarie Kaur will deliver the 5th Annual Rosemary Kittrell Memorial Lecture in the Sanctuary of Trinity Presbyterian Church.
VALARIE KAUR is a civil rights leader, lawyer, award-winning filmmaker, educator, and founder of the Revolutionary Love Project. Valarie became an activist when a Sikh father and family friend was the first person murdered in hate violence in the aftermath of 9/11. Since then, Valarie has led visionary campaigns to tell untold stories and change policy on issues ranging from hate crimes to digital freedom. Her work ignited a national movement to reclaim love as a force for justice. Today, the Revolutionary Love Project is seeding networked communities of practice across the country to build the beloved community. A daughter of Punjabi Sikh farmers in California, Valarie lifts up her vision for America in her acclaimed TED Talk and #1 LA Times Bestseller See No Stranger: A Memoir and Manifesto of Revolutionary Love. In Fall 2022, Valarie was honored at the White House in the first-ever Uniters Ceremony, recognizing her as a prophetic leader whose work is healing America.
Doors open at 6 p.m. Please present your ticket at the door. Seating in Trinity Sanctuary is available on a first-come, first-served basis. The talk will be from 7:00-8:30 PM followed by a book signing from 8:30-9:30 PM.
Click here to learn more about the Rosemary Kittrell Lecture Series.
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner
All are invited to join us for Mardi Gras Crafts, traditional Shrove Tuesday Pancake dinner and Trinity’s 41st Annual Pancake Race! Whether you come in your racing shoes or just to enjoy the pancakes, all are welcome!
The cost for dinner is $10 per person. Register here.
January Friday Bingo
Bingo is Back! Join us for pizza dinner, fellowship and Bingo! Plenty of prizes for everyone of all ages! Invite friends and neighbors!
The cost for dinner is $10 per person. Register here.
Caroling in the Community
All are welcome to join us as we go caroling in the community! We will gather at Building D entry and walk through a local neighborhood singing and spreading cheer for all to hear! We will wrap up singing at the Fire Station and walk back to Old Fellowship Hall to enjoy a light dinner together.
Dinner costs $10 per person. Register here.